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Week Five: 18th-22nd May

This week's work to email

to Mr Grundy is the

May 20th English work

(your newspaper report).





For maths, you will be using the White Rose Maths Home Learning Website.


  1. Click on the link for your year group below.
  2. Watch the video on the White Rose site for whichever day it is.
  3. Complete the activity for that day (THESE ARE NOW FOUND BELOW - ON THIS PAGE): sometimes it will ask you to pause the video at a certain point and then have a go at the activity - do whatever the video asks you to do.   You can complete the activity:
    1. In your home learning book (you don't need to copy out the question - just write the question number and the answer); or
    2. By printing and completing the worksheet, if you are able to do that.
  4. Ask your parent, carer, or perhaps your older brother or sister to get the answers from below and mark your work.  If you got any wrong, you can talk about why it was wrong, and maybe do any corrections.



Click HERE for Year 5 Maths - White Rose Videos

(Worksheets below)


Click HERE for Year 6  Maths - White Rose Videos

(Worksheets below)

Read the document above: it's a week of activities based on some newspaper articles.


These are the daily activities you should complete:


Monday 18th May: Activity 1 - Read the three Newspaper Articles
• Read Features to watch out for in a newspaper report (p2)
• Read the three newspaper articles: Zebra, Stage-School and
Flower-beds (p3-5)
• Choose one of the articles and make notes on it to show some
of the features.


Tuesday 19th May: Activity 2 - Answer questions about the articles
• Choose two of the articles and answer the Questions for them (p6-8).

Well done! Now, talk with a grown-up about your answers. These are
at the end of the pack.


Wednesday 20th May: Activity 3 - Now for some writing
• Look at the picture titled ‘Next Tuesday’ (p9)
• Plan a newspaper article about this event on Newspaper Article
Paragraph Planner (p10)
• Write your newspaper article, remembering the Features to
watch out for (p2)

These are sentences about vocabulary in the poem, but each sentence needs commas, brackets or dashes.


Thursday 21st May: Draw some pictures that could accompany your newspaper article.


Friday 22nd May: Think of what could happen next Tuesday.  What will float next?  Make up five ideas, choose your favourite and draw it or write a story about it.
