Tuesday 5th January 2021, 12pm
Dear Parents,
For the remainder of this week children attending school (vulnerable children and children of Critical Workers) and their parents need to follow the established routines and timings for drop-off/pick-up. Amended timings to reflect the 'scaling down' of school will be provided ready for next week. Children 'booked in' for this provision already account for 30% of the school's normal roll, much higher than the 10% that this is suggested to normally be.
Today we have started the provision of free school meal food packs to families and begun to plan the structure and staffing of school to facilitate both in-school learning and home learning.
Tomorrow we will start the process of allocating laptops to those families most in need of such support and rolling out 30GB data SIMS to use for 90 days to all pupils supported by Pupil Premium, Forces Premium or Pupil Premium plus through the vodafone #KeepConnecting programme.
By Friday afternoon we hope to have allocated Microsoft Learning Platform logins and passwords to all children in school, sent out by text.
By the beginning of next week we hope to have begun to put more bespoke learning opportunities onto the Learning Platform, begun to hold daily Collective Worship via Zoom for all families to attend re-allocated staffing within school to ensure that we can maintain a commitment to in-school and online/remote learning.
In the meantime, the CGP Books and learning content on the four class pages of the school website should keep the children's learning ticking along.
Please contact school via telephone, through the office or directly to head@cotgrave-pri.notts.sch.uk should you need help or support with any element of our provision. We will be in touch regularly in a number of different ways to ensure that contact is maintained.
Take care,
Craig Moxham
Monday 4th January 2021, 9pm
Dear Parents,
Following a successful return to school today for our children, I am writing this with a heavy heart.
As you are probably aware, the Prime Minister announced at 8pm tonight that all schools must close from today apart from children of critical workers and vulnerable children. This is, clearly, very last minute and very late notice.
Therefore, as from tomorrow, school will only be open for children of critical workers and for vulnerable children. Please only send your child into school tomorrow if both parents/carers are key workers or your child is classed as vulnerable and childcare is essential for this day. This is for tomorrow only and will allow us time to plan provision for the weeks ahead in more detail. We will be in touch again tomorrow once we have had time to put plans into place and we have the actual numbers of all parents that will be requiring provision.
There is already work for children to do in the CGP Workbooks sent out in the autumn term and on the class pages of the website. We will be in touch with more detailed information for you in the next day or two. By the end of the day tomorrow we hope to have a structure in place to organise bubbles of children over the next few weeks (once we know the number of children we are catering for) and from Wednesday will be able to accommodate all children requiring (and entitled to) provision. Clearly, the Government's plan is to reduce to as low a number as possible the number of children needing to attend schools during this crucial period, please have this in mind when making your decision about whether or not your child needs to be on-site in school. By next week we hope to have a fuller remote provision available, including access to the teachers and teaching via the Microsoft Learning Platform and to have provided children in greatest need and who lack the resources to access online learning the capacity to do so. Please bear with us over the next few days as we attempt to roll this out as speedily as possible.
I really apologise for this disruption and lack of notice, I brought the children back today with the hope that a full term of in-school learning lay ahead of us. This is not to be, but our first duty is, again, to protect each other from this deadly virus.
Please complete the attached form (even if your child will not be attending school during the next few weeks) and return it asap. Children needing to be in school tomorrow should attend in school uniform, with what they would normally bring and should be dropped off and collected at the times they have been used to. This will undoubtedly change once precise numbers are known.
Take care,
Craig Moxham
If you are considering sending your child to school during the COVID-19 pandemic, and you think you, your child or someone else within your household has a health condition that impacts on that return, please read the guidance on the link below and let us know your concerns.