Welcome to The Owls class page.
Here you will find everything you need if you are learning from home. Just follow the links and you will be able to find work that is very similar to what you would be doing in school.
When working from home, remember to try your best to produce work to a Class Three standard:
Keep working hard!
Miss Williams, Mrs Harper and Mrs Hurst
Please send any queries about work to class3@cotgrave-pri.notts.sch.uk throughout the week.
Miss Williams will do her best to get back to you as soon as she can.
This contact is for parents to inform Miss Williams of anything class-related or in reference to work carried out at home. The email address will be monitored in school hours in term time. Any messages relating to school dinners, payments or absence should be directed to Miss Onley in the office and all necessary out-of-hours contact and matters needing Head Teacher input should be directed to Mr Moxham.
Home Learning 2021/22